Friday, April 4, 2014

Recent Happenings

A few weeks ago Justin and I decided to try this Whole30 diet (we made it a week). You basically don't eat any carbs or dairy or beans. So yeah... what can you even eat? Basically the whole week felt like this

 It took a few days to get the hang of it but I wanted to share our favorite meal:
Sweet Potato hash with fried eggs and avocado (avocado makes everything taste better). It was gooooood.

I went to Montrose, Colorado last week to visit my sister, Brittany and help her with her kids while her husband was away at a convention in Chicago. We had so much fun painting nails, coloring, playing Mario Cart, and watching Frozen over and over and over again :)

They are such cuties. And baby Sloan is soooo soft. I loved kissing his cheeks. Also, I think Tess looks EXACTLY like Brittany. I feel like I learned a lot about being a mom the few days I was there. Brittany is a great example. I definitely missed Justin but it was great to be able to spend some sister time together.

My family has a lot of birthdays in March so we usually celebrate them all together at Classic Skating! The skating was a blast but Justin and Alex also had a great time at the arcade.

They are so funny together. They seem more like friends than uncle and nephew, and it's pretty comical how Alex is a foot taller than Justin. ha ha

On a more sad note, I was in a car accident a few weeks ago and the Honda was totaled! We were pretty surprised it was totaled because I was just rear ended, and it wasn't too bad of a hit but I guess there was some pretty significant frame damage. Sooooo we had to say good bye to the trusty Honda. It was sad. 

The good news is that I got a new car! It's a white Ford Focus and I am really enjoying the power windows and Bluetooth. Who knew cars were so fancy these days! 

1 comment:

  1. Love that picture about the snacks. It's always so hard to stick to a diet. That meal looks really yummy though. And loved those pictures of the kids... so cute. And lastly, goodbye Honda. You have been good to us!
